Minggu, 25 November 2018

How The Process of Writing ?

Writing is a productive skill. Not everybody can write correctly. In other meaning,  writing may be just write what thinking by writer but exactly writing is a complex process. Process of writing needs very difficult thinking. Because every process of writing is draining thinking, writer should focus and concentrate throughout what will she/he write. Thus, to make it easy, there are 4 main processess of writing, follow the process one by one.
The primary process is inventing ideas. Inventing ideas mean formulate the topics with come out the ideas. The ideas will not come fully formed, so the writer must let his/her mind to think and write some ideas on the paper. In this time, writer can develop their thinking before spending the time to write. The process will be more effective if the writer can use brainstorming session, word mapping and quick writing. Brainstorming is the writer discuss the ideas with her/his partner and decide one idea to developed. Then, word mapping is the writer begins with an idea at top or center of a blank piece of paper and think about word that relate with the idea. Next, quick writing is the writer writes anything on paper without stopping and just let the ideas come out into the paper without concern to spelling, grammar and punctuation. Indeed, these processes will be easier to find ideas and formulate a topic.
The next process is drafting. Writer focuses on the development of the ideas and organization the ideas. The writer also should develop the perfect grammar, punctuation or spelling. Then, writer develops word to word, sentence to sentence and paragraph to paragraph. In addition, the body of paragraph should relate to the topic sentence. Use transition signal to connect one paragraph to other paragraph. The end of paragraph includes a concluding paragraph. Thus, the essay is easier to understand while reader reads the concluding paragraph. In drafting, writer begin write what should she/he writes based on topic which has been chosen.
The another process is giving feedback. It is very important to make sure the writing is perfect in anyway. Feedback can be done by ownself and by person who has higher writing ability. Feedback by ownself keep in mind that writer’s ability in grammar is good. Then give question throughout the draft. Finally force ownself to comment it by evaluation. Meanwhile, feedback by higher writing ability person can correct the draft. It will begin with comment about ideas, grammar, spelling, punctuation, coherence and cohesion. In short, feedback effectively can be done by person who has higher writing ability, so that person can find any errors in the draft.
The final process is revision/editing. Sommers (1932) says that “a process of making change throughout the writing of the draft, changes that work to make the draft congruent with a writer’s changing intentions”. In revision, writer make more global changes, such as rewriting, add sentence/word, remove, substitute, or deleting ideas. Even though correct the grammatical errors, misspelling and incorrect punctuation. However, revision can be done with computers automatically.
In conclusion, writing process is very complex. Writing needs long time to finish them. It can’t write once time but should be think from beginning until the end process, such as inventing ideas, drafting the ideas, give feedback to the draft, finally revision the draft.

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